Explore Somatic Learning for Clarity & Flow
Introductory Classes
Curious about this play thing? An introductory class is the perfect way to experience it for yourself. All classes introduce participants to the InterPlay system of movement, storytelling, and vocal improvisation to foster your unique expression as well as connection, energy and ease.
Days: To be announced
Time: To be announced
Location: To be announced
In – Person
Days: To be announced
Time: To be announced
Location: To be announced
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Current Courses
Done with Overdoing It:
From Achieving to Receiving
A Six-Week Online Course to move from Feeling Spent to Feeling Vital
Dates: To be announced
Times: To be announced
Cost: $297
If you find yourself always having things handled, figuring things out, and taking an enormous share of responsibility to get things done then you know it is exhausting. You may feel your energy depleted, your sense of joy and vitality weighed down, or perhaps even broken. As a heart-centered warrior, you love substance and care about lifting others up. You want others to be happy but you want to be happy too.
If you are like me, you want More. You want purpose and Ease; fulfillment and Play. You want to feel your strength but your Softness also. This course helps you move more authentically and powerfully in the world with greater ease. In this six-week experiential course you:
Find your natural Wholeness
Connect to your real Desires, and
Move from your unique Power center
You learn the movement patterns that sustain and resource your energy. You join a community of like-minded individuals who are on the same journey. In the process you explore InterPlay forms, journaling prompts and guided meditations to create a unique gesture ritual that you helps you feel and sense your tenderness, your wholeness and your desires. You also discover a necessary boundary or two through the play.
Other Participants Testimonials
Prior Courses and Classes
Embodied Enquiry Playgroup (Course)
First Playgroup: March – May 2023
Second Playgroup: May 21st – July 2nd, 2023
Life has a way of throwing us in situations or challenges we don’t necessarily know how to respond to. This playgroup uses Embodied Play to provide resources such as Safety, Presence and Alignment through your Physicality. Come to unfold with the flow of your life, rather than against it.
Eyes of Wonder (Class)
First Playgroup: March – May 2023
Second Playgroup: May 21st – July 2nd, 2023
Life has a way of throwing us in situations or challenges we don’t necessarily know how to respond to. This playgroup uses Embodied Play to provide resources such as Safety, Presence and Alignment through your Physicality. Come to unfold with the flow of your life, rather than against it.
Embodying Flow: Upleveling Receptivity (Class)
October 22, 2022, 4 pm – 6:00 pm ET
When we move with the flow of our life, we enhance our ability to Receive and co-create our desires. In this workshop, participants play with embodying the experience of Flow and Receiving and with tools that activate the art of Receiving in their life. Discover moving from the place of your Inner Ease. This class welcomes All to the life-affirming practices of InterPlay. Sliding Scale: $20 – $40 (25% donated to Dance Chapel) Registration Closed.
Standing on Higher Ground: Discover your Holy No’s and Yes’
June 4, 2022, 9:30 am – 12:30 pm
Defining our boundaries means embracing more freedom and joy. This workshop helped participants creatively explore Yes’s and No’s in alignment with their heart, body and soul. Using improvised movement, music, story, meditation and journaling, we explored an issue or situation causing tension in our life. Exploring tension and agreements through our physicality, partipants found more pathways and broader sets of choices by connecting to their inherent wholeness and inner power.
Supported by Martha Stokely. “I had a body breakthrough!” “The music was moving”
Loving the World All over Again
May 20-22, 2022, Wellspring Conference Center, MD
Co-lead by six Interplay leaders in the Washington DC area ,a group of 30 conspired to lean into loving the world all over again in the natural green surroundings of the Wellspring center. Through movement, poetry, sound, and more, we played and created until space and time expanded themselves to hold all we had brought and more. W/Kate & Billy Amoss, Robin Carnes, Liz Lecault, Doug Farnum
The Radical Act of Underdoing
February 6, 2021. Co-led with Kate Amoss, and Robin Carnes
Though nature works in cycles, most of us were raised with the adage to give 110% at all times. What if…our guiding principle was underdoing? What if we approached our tasks with more ease? Participants played with one of the four primary movements with sound and storytelling to explore the radical act of UNDERDOING.