Express.. Experience.. Expand.
Discover Somatic Play with Monisha Mittal
Build Authenticity and Vitality through Somatic Play 
Somatic Play Training & Coaching Services to Live and Lead from your Inner Verve
What is Somatic Play?
Check out this short video to learn the roots of Somatic Play and its benefits. Highlighting our 1-on-1 services, it also illuminates the foundation cross-cutting all our offerings.
Somatic means of the body. Somatic Play blends Embodied Play (rooted in the InterPlay system) with somatic communication—that is, listening to and engaging directly with your body’s wisdom.
This wise, playful, body-centered approach accelerates your embodiment. That is, our approach helps you inhabit your body more fully and quickly. Here, you connect with your vast stores of somatic intelligence and start experiencing your natural vitality, clarity, and joy more quickly.
The Center’s services are designed to help you harness this natural state of alignment to inform your choices, growth and authentic expression in the world. Our work is trauma informed.
Learn more about our Express, Experience, and Expand approach on our About page.
Founder’s Musings
Adventures in navigating life authentically, as a heart in a body.
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1-on-1 Sessions
Personalized Support for Growth and Well-being. Work with me one-on-one to deep dive into your unique wisdom for greater clarity and flow.
Creative Exploration in a Group Setting. Join a group to explore somatic wisdom and communication practices in intentional community using the InterPlay system. Express, Experience and Expand into more of your True Self with ease.